Friday, January 30, 2009
New Oscar Polls-Vote Now
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Lovin' Lost

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
More Bachelor

We also saw a one-on-one date with one of my favorite girls Ms. Molly..

She's cute. She's fun. She seems real. Is he going to pick her? Something tells me no. But I could be wrong, I need to see more. Then the last date was the group date. One very painful group date for those girls. I sat there thinking to myself that there is no way I could have sat through that if I was one of those girls. No wonder they were all crying. Sometimes ABC can be a bit ruthless. I know, I know we need ratings.
It was extremely obvious he just wasn't into Megan and Shannon (SHOCKER!) I really think that Shannon must be different in real life, but she just came off weird to the rest of America. Seriously when she was begging him to keep her, I had flashbacks of how all girls are when they are 16 and just don't know how to play hard to get.

But the winner of the coveted "Giving Caitlin an Extreme Headache Award" goes to...

Friday, January 23, 2009
For Your Consideration...The 2009 Oscars

The 2009 Academy Awards were announced this week and I want to know who you think is going to win. Each week I will be putting a poll on the site asking who you think deserves to win in each category. So for your consideration...the 2009 Oscar nominees are:
Best Picture:
- The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
- Frost/Nixon
- Milk
- The Reader
- Slumdog Millionaire
Best Actor:
- Richard Jenkins-The Visitor
- Frank Langella-Frost/Nixon
- Sean Penn-Milk
- Brad Pitt-The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
- Micky Rourke-The Wrestler
Best Actress:
- Anne Hathaway-Rachel Getting Married
- Angelina Jolie-Changeling
- Melissa Leo-Frozen River
- Meryl Streep-Doubt
- Kate Winslet-The Reader
Best Supporting Actor:
- Josh Brolin-Milk
- Robert Downey, Jr.-Tropic Thunder
- Philip Seymour Hoffman-Doubt
- Heath Ledger-The Dark Knight
- Michael Shannon-Revolutionary Road
Best Supporting Actress:
- Amy Adams-Doubt
- Penelope Cruz-Vicky Cristina Barcelona
- Viola Davis-Doubt
- Taraji P. Henson-The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
- Marisa Tomei-The Wrestler
Best Animated Film:
- Bolt
- Kung Fu Panda
- Wall-E
Best Directing:
- The Curious Case of Benjamin Button-David Fincher
- Frost/Nixon-Ron Howard
- Milk-Gus Van Sant
- The Reader-Stephen Daldry
- Slumdog Millionaire-Danny Boyle
And those are the nominees in the major categories. Now that you know, vote for your favorite each week in the poll. Remember the polls will change each week so vote early and often.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The Bachelor

4 things in fact..

.. I think she means well, but let's be honest. He's not choosing her. Stephanie is sweet and it was nice to see her with her little girl, but she is just awkward, and I think she acts like Jason's mom. I was uncomfortable watching her try to kiss him.

I don't like how they are trying to squeeze drama out of this show. When they had the girls sit there and call everyone out, I thought it seemed like they were trying to make it one of those trashy VH1 shows. Like Rock of Love or something. And what's with all the random people singing?! I think I am a Bachelor purist :)
My top picks are still:

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
The Bachelor w/ Jason (2 hour Premiere)

I guessed a lot of the girls he picked, and was shocked (as always) at some. These two in particular..

And Stephanie? I'm sorry, but she seems a bit old and mannish. Let's look at her again. Yep, Michael Jacksons upper lip.. or lack there of. I'm being harsh. She just seems a bit old. I think he kept her because of the sob story.
Also a new twist. (well sort of) The attempt to make the show feel like Survivor. By having the girls vote on who they wanted kicked out. But in a not so shocking twist was who actually got a rose. (Jessica called that one.)

(If you have seen Flight of the Conchords, she reminded me of their one crazy fan.)
#1 pick: Naomi

#3 pick: Lauren

#4 pick: Molly