Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Lost: Quick Recap

If you haven't watched the latest episode of Lost, stop reading now. Really, stop. Okay I warned you.

Tonight we found out the fate of Ben after being shot by Sayid. I had guessed a few weeks back that current time Ben would wake up once 70's Ben was curred. I did not however think that Kate and Sawyer with a little help from Juliet and Richard would be the ones to save him. What was even more of a shock is that tonight we found out why Ben is the way he is. When Kate and Sawyer took young injured Ben to Richard to be healed by the island, Richard told them that if he helped them Ben would never be the same that he would not remember what happened (we now know why current Ben doesn't remember being shot by Sayid) and that he would lose his innocence, ie; become the evil Ben that we all love to hate. Tonight Ben became an other. I also found it interested that Charles Whidmore and Elle (Faraday's mom? Penney's too?) seem to be in charge of the Others in the 1970's. Does this mean that Penny was born on the Island? Does Desmond have to go back to the island to save Penny in the 70's. I want to see that episode now! Please.

Tonight we also got the reason why Kate left Aaron and came back to the island. I sorta believe that Kate would give Aaron back to Claire's mom but I don't see what Sawyers ex had to do with it, other then Kate keeping her promise to Sawyer. At least she can keep one promise because she had no trouble telling anyone that would listen that the whole Oceanic 6 cover was lie. That right there is why I don't like Kate, she does whatever is best for her at the moment. Which is why I can see why she would give up Aaron. I don't get why she wouldn't tell Jack when he asked but she did get something from him by not telling, which is probably what she wanted at that moment.

Overall a good episode and I can't wait for next weeks episode which seems to center around Ben. I also loved tonight's ending with Ben waking up to Locke, the man he had killed just a few days before. Oh and I loved the interaction between Hurley and Miles trying to explain time travel. The fact that the writers can bring to light how many of us viewers feel on the whole subject makes me feel like we are in good hands. Plus its good to know that Hurley is just as lost as the rest of us. Check back soon for the connections between lost and early Egypt, there are more then you may think.


caitlin said...

I had nightmares last night about Lost! I will fill you in on them via email, because it would be too much to write here. I loved last nights episode!

P.S. said...

Ooooh, I'm intrigued now. I want to know more! You caught a couple things I didn't clue into, thanks for your insight.
I'm la la loving this season. Speaking of love, I like how Sawyer told Kate he was helping Ben for Juliet. In your face Kate!