Saturday, August 29, 2009


I like Julia Roberts...I like Clive Owen...and you know what...I really liked Duplicity. Due to the nature of the movie I can't go into to much detail other then to say that it is about spies, double crossing, corporate espionage, more double crossing, a complete lack of trust and so on and so forth. You should know that the movie starts out a little slow and it requires that you pay attention to keep track of its timeline that jumps back and forth over a 5 year period. But if you can stick it out you are rewarded with a movie that is funny and will keep you guessing til the very last scene. Duplicity is rated PG-13 and is now out on DVD and well worth a rental.

1 comment:

P.S. said...

Thanks for the tip Eric. i was at Redbox the other day wondering if this one was worthy of my dolla' bill. I'll check it out next time.